Give us this day our daily bread.
What’s the difference between a want and a need? What is necessary for a life well lived and loved? This question is all wrapped up in a request for daily bread – not daily five course dinner in a mansion, but what is necessary to sustain life and a roof over my head.
This is playing out in a larger sense at the moment, as I decide what to bring to a new (and temporary) home and what to leave behind. I want to bring what will make a fruitful, faithful life possible; I want to leave behind what distracts and hampers that life. I don’t want to waste this opportunity to let go of what is unnecessary and what doesn’t really matter.
Lord, help me discern what daily bread is, and what it is not. And help me pack accordingly. Amen
[For more on this, click Noonday Prayer Service above.]
My prayer for you as well. And as Jesus the “Bread of life”, his discernment will guide you, this I know.
Thanks, Bill. It’s been a good process so far, if a lot of work! Peace, Johnna