Welcome to the world, Christ Child! Our souls rejoice at your coming!
Many thanks to God’s beloved children who offered their talents to this year’s daily offering…
Bill Albritton continues to lead Coffee & Conversation, a weekly study at Saint John’s in Duxbury; he also coordinates the parish’s prayer ministry. His thoughtful additions to this yearly offering began in its first year, and continued every year since.
David Anderson is a retired Episcopal Priest living outside Philadelphia. He is the author of Breakfast Epiphanies and Losing Your Faith, Finding Your Soul. He assists his wife, Pam Anderson, in running the Copper House retreat center. You can find more of his writings on his blog, Finding Your Soul.
Linda Benningfield-Hashman listens for God and writes to foster the spirits of others.
Donna Eby takes pictures of sunsets and writes poetry in the Plymouth area. She finds her faith home at Christ Church.
Bryan Fredrickson moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, after retiring, and is taking full advantage of all it has to offer. He found his worship community at the Unitarian church there. His words have been an Advent gift many times over the years.
Dave Fredrickson is the priest-in-charge of Zion Episcopal church in Manchester Center, Vermont. He is a coauthor of Being Church in a Liminal Time: Three Images to Shape Your Congregation’s Future.
Jill Fredrickson lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, living in a way that honors the earth and life. She practices the art of Japanese floral arranging. Her words and images have graced this devotional for many years.
Michael Giordano is a member of Zion Episcopal Church, and serves on the Vestry. He serves as a reader in worship and leads the congregation in morning prayer when the priest is away.
Debbie Hill is a singer, artist, and calligrapher who offers her talents at Christ Church Episcopal in Plymouth, Massachusetts. She and her husband, Don, have provided music for the Saturday evening service there for many years, to the great delight of the congregation.
Margaret Hill loves God, self, and neighbor in Duxbury, Massachusetts and at Christ Church Parish in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Her art has graced this blog and many homes.
Jeff Jones is a retired minister and field education teacher for seminarians. His book, Being Church in a Liminal Time: Three Images to Shape Your Congregation’s Future, was last year.
Robin Nielsen serves God and neighbor at Christ Church in Plymouth, Massachusetts. She has led the altar guild for many years, both at church and in the local region.