Advent 2015

The waiting season has arrived. This is a time for seeking a place of peace and quiet, listening for the voices of angels, archangels, and shepherds. This is a time of finding a place dark enough to reveal the stars in heaven. In such a place we see Mary’s son for who he truly is: Emmanuel, God-With-Us.  This is a journey of the heart and soul, and we are not the first to travel it. We will not be the last. But how do we get there?

To find a place of peace and quiet, we slow down. We listen to our breathing, concentrate on the flame of a candle, empty our minds of the thoughts that distract us.

To find a place where darkness reveals light rather than despair, we look to the stories and prayers of the past. We look to what is unjust and painful in our lives and in the scriptures. We see the darkness in our hearts and the hurts that grow from it. We remember that darkness is not the last word or final reality: light is. We are never alone in the dark.FullSizeRender-1

These daily Advent readings are markers along the path to that dark, peaceful, and quiet place. The reflections are ways to ponder these readings in our hearts.

Our path ends beside a manger, finding in the face of an infant the face of God.

The Journey begins Sunday, November 29…

One thought on “Advent 2015

  1. Bill Albritton

    What a wonderful prologue! I must read this daily before I read the daily the daily “markers”.

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