Readings: Psalm 126; Isaiah 35:3-7; Luke 7:18-20
Most of us recognize these words (or something close to them) from our Sunday services:
The Peace of the Lord be with you.
And also with you (and with thy spirit).
Let Us Pray
When thoughts are chasing each other around my mind, the chaos makes it almost impossible for me to pray. I get a few words in and they get lost in the internal babble. When everything feels rushed and in constant motion, I can’t find a quiet inner space to pray. Perhaps you have had that same experience. It’s why I begin my day with these words from the Greek Orthodox tradition: Lord, grant me to greet the coming day in peace.
There’s wisdom in praying for peace in the worship service. That peace helps us be present enough to find God within our souls, recognize God in our neighbors, and see the Spirit in our own time and place. That peace makes it possible to make that walk to Bethlehem – and to dance with joy on our journey home.