Friend and Lover, bless us and keep us; Light of the world, shine on our faces; Transfigured Yeshua, lift us to glory. May the darkness of night deepen and dazzle.
Prayer at Night’s Approaching, Jim Cotter
An old friend gets annoyed if anyone says “bless you” when she sneezes, much less “God bless you.” Sure, it’s archaic, but I love it when someone blesses me. For God to bless and keep me – well, as they say, it doesn’t get any better than that. And when I can sing with the Psalmist, “Bless the Lord, O my soul!”; when I can lift up my voice and magnify the Lord; when I can praise God, I can only do so because God is blessing and keeping me. So here we are asking our Friend and Lover to bless us and keep us as we get ready to retire – what a privilege, what a Friend what a blessing, indeed!
Offered by Bill Albritton, child of God