Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. ICorinthians 12:4-6, NRSV
Gifts, services, activities – what we have to offer the world, the medium we choose to offer our gifts, and the actions we take to show our love for God, self, and neighbor. It’s the adventure of a lifetime to discern, pick, and work in ways unique to us – no one can offer what we can, and we cannot offer what someone else can. We shouldn’t waste our days worrying about whether we have gifts, or whether our gifts are worthy: we do, and they are.
So find your place, your service, where your gifts are needed. Put your heart into it. Accept the praise of others with thanks, and a grain of salt. Don’t mistake your worth with how others value or do not value you. Serve.
Remember, you are a delight to God. That’s why you are here, beloved child of the Creator.