Sowing Seeds

I will try this day to live a simple, sincere, and serene life, repelling promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, discouragement, impurity, and self-seeking; cultivating cheerfulness, magnanimity, charity, and the habit of holy silence; exercising economy in expenditure, generosity in giving, carefulness in conversation, diligence in appointed service, fidelity to every trust, and a childlike faith in God.

In particular I will try to be faithful in those habits of prayer, work, study, physical exercise, eating, and sleep, which I believe the Holy Spirit has shown me to be right.

And as I cannot in my own strength do this, nor even with a hope of success attempt it, I look to thee, O Lord God my Father, in Jesus my Savior, and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

[A Morning Resolve, Forward Day by Day, Cincinnatti, OH: Forward Movement – prayer on the inside front cover.]

Words you speak to me directly and what I overhear you say to another can take root in my soul. Mine can do the same in yours. Words send their roots deep into the heart, breaking it open to grow beyond its current limits or reducing it to rubble. I cannot be sure where the words I scatter will land and take hold, but I can choose what verbal seeds I throw out into the world.

Lord, with your help:

I will do my best to share a sense of humor, but not at the expense of another.

I will avoid sarcasm because it’s a weed that chokes the life out of conversation.

I won’t wield my words like a weapon.

When I am tempted to speak in anger and frustration, I will try to keep silent.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



2 thoughts on “Sowing Seeds

  1. Robin Nielsen

    Occasionally over the years people even my coworkers in school would ask me “do you ever yell or get mad at your children?” I would answer after thinking about this question “no, not really!” Angry for a particular reason like if the older 2 were arguing, I would raise my voice and send them to their rooms for a bit! But yelling and saying something to them which I could later regret saying, No! With my #3 child I don’t ever remember getting angry for any reason and always said kind words, actually to all 3. With my 2 grandchildren, any opportunity to be with them is a gift to me, especially this school year. So if we converse in the midst of their daily routine and job to get ready for school and activities, which is their responsibility, it’s always short and thoughtful words which hopefully will stick with them for the day. Everyday they are both appreciative of everything, their breakfast and rides to the bus stop and sometimes all the way to school.
    I think about my German Oma, who always used her kind German words to my sister and me when we would visit her and her delightful smile I can still picture. I know I wish to be remembered by my grandchildren for my smile and laughter with them, and the kind and thoughtful words spoken to them each time.
    As is quoted: “Life is short, we don’t have much time. So…”


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