In Particular, Work

In particular I will try to be faithful in those habits of prayer, work, study, physical exercise, eating, and sleep which I believe the Holy Spirit has shown me to be right.

There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth...(Ecclesiastes 3:1, The Message)

Schedules are like the time signatures in music – they keep all the players working together rather than at cross purposes. Having a defined work time, a regular time for meals, and a designated bed time gives shape and coherence to the days – something especially important now that our usual external activities are suspended. With everyone out of school and working from home, it would be so easy to let the days and weeks pass in an unscheduled blur.

How do I keep faithful work habits when everything I have to do no longer has to be done at a particular time? I’ve always done a lot of my work at home, so I’m comfortable with setting a time aside for the many different things that make up my day. But now, my schedule must return to something closer to the one I had when my children were little; I’ll get up early to get my writing and baking done. I’ll get household chores done when everyone else is up – and have a list of chores for others to do as well. I’ll designate a few hours every week to projects – getting the garden beds in shape, cleaning out the attic and basement, getting Spring cleaning done in every room. I’ll do my best to strike a good balance.

When it comes to work, I wonder what will be the bigger temptation: not being faithful to getting my work done or not being faithful in leaving it when it is time for other things?


2 thoughts on “In Particular, Work

  1. Robin Nielsen

    During these past 2 weeks, I have surely missed some aspects of my daily schedule. Number one is my early morning time with my grandchildren. But, I know that they are safe, secure and healthy with their parents not too far away. Number two, I miss my schedule at church, my other home, where I enjoy my time taking care of things for the altar and tidying things up in the sacristy. When I am alone doing these things, I find it very contemplative and prayerful. That time will come back.
    I have always been a homebody, even as a teenager. Unless I had a date, I was happy to just stay at home on a Friday or Saturday night instead of going out and hanging out just for the sake of it. I always loved being a stay at home mother taking care of my children and taking care my house. Having a schedule of course too.
    I try to keep a good schedule now with plenty of projects to do. I have them set in my mind, but at some point at the end of the day, I know I have to stop. I think about plan A and then switch to plan B. I am thankful for my wonderful little house where my husband, daughter and I have established a faithful daily routine.
    Peace be with you this beautiful day.
    Thanks be to God. Amen.

    1. Johnna Post author

      Thanks, Robin. This situation is bringing many new changes, with some blessings along with the inconveniences and distress. I’m glad you and yours are well. Peace, Johnna


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