When to call it quits

There are still a lot of items on my moving punch list, and numerous items on my calendar that narrow down when I can get them done. Then there are the usual chores that have to be done if I want to keep my living space from descending into dusty chaos. Things to do, places to go, people to see must be done, gone to, and seen. But just as important are the spaces in between all that – the places where joy and love shine, and grief and sadness find their way into prayer. Stillness offering unexpected refreshment and a glimpse of the wonder that surrounds.

And, if I’m lucky, the presence of a kindred spirit.

Playful Magic

2 thoughts on “When to call it quits

  1. Bill+Albritton

    Ah, the anxiety that can weigh on us with “to-do lists”. I sometimes can remember to change “I’ve got to do” into “I get to do” and find that helpful.
    Peace to you and Dave as you wind down your bountiful “get to do’s”.


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