
A Morning Resolve

I will try this day to live a simple, sincere, and serene life, repelling promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, discouragement, impurity, and self-seeking…

I’m a big believer in taking time to acknowledge the disappointments that life brings instead of pretending they don’t occur or that I don’t care. They do occur, and sometimes I care a great deal. But acknowledgement isn’t the same as letting such things take up permanent residence in my head, heart, or soul. Life’s inevitable imperfections can only lead to discontentment if I invite them to stay instead of showing them the door.

Today, when I notice the imperfections in my home and the inconveniences life brings, I’ll call them by name and give them a nod. Then I’ll thank them for coming and usher them out. With them gone, there’ll be plenty of room to live the simple, sincere, and serene life God offers. I’m content with that.

[Wareham WaterPhotograph by Jared Fredrickson, 2018]

2 thoughts on “Discontent

  1. Robin Nielsen

    Such wonderful words of wisdom, to be content with what we have, in order to live a simple, sincere and serene life. God would want us to live this way. Saying goodbye to those imperfections and “showing them the door “ (:
    Perfectly stated Johnna!
    Thank you.

    1. Johnna Post author

      Thanks, Robin. It’s not so easy sometimes to show them the door, but well worth the effort – and a lot easier after I recognize them for what they are…peace, Johnna


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