Be careful what you wish for: you just might get it. When wishes come true, there are consequences rarely considered beforehand. In some ways, the same can be said for prayers: be careful what you pray for, because there is power in articulating the heart’s deepest desires and fears; no one who comes before God in prayer leaves unchanged by the experience.
Unlike wishes made on stars and birthday candles, prayers are offered up to God with the hope and faith that God is listening with love and concern. We offer our words to God, knowing they are limited because we are limited; we release control to God because we cannot fulfill prayers out of our own resources.
Amen is owning up to our prayers, with all their shortcomings and finitude.
Amen is asking for God’s transforming and infinite love to make out of our lives and the whole of creation something holy.
What an extraordinary grace to be able to say amen. What a miracle that our amens are heard.