Help us, O Lord, to be good, obedient, and kind.
Good, obedient, and kind. Taken separately, they don’t have near the power as they do together.
Good Help me spend my days wisely, offering my talents, knowledge, and energy only to those things that increase the love in this world. Everything I am can devastate or foster. Help me choose the latter.
Obedient I am too limited to see very far down the path of love and peace. I am tempted to serve lesser powers: greed, vanity, and fear. Help me choose to serve you, when your reasons seem clear and when they do not.
Kind All the good intentions will lead me astray if I am willing to harm others in their name. Help me choose kindness over judgement, for you have been so kind to me.
On this day, help me to remember that without kindness I can mistake personal piety for goodness and unwillingness to accept the consequences of my actions for obedience. God help me.
[For the full prayer, click prayer at night above]