This past day

At the end of the day, am I grateful for the hours I was given? Am I aware, on the superficial as well as on the deepest level, of the miracle I’ve been immersed in? The miracle I easily mistake for an infinite if commonplace resource: daily life.

Sometimes, I catch a glimpse of its outline or a hint of its face. The way the trees move in the wind, the way my cats interrupt their backyard explorations to rest under my hand, the aeronautic wonder of a sparrow flying from maple to forsythia, the appearance of my still sleepy son packing his duffel before heading to work.

Food on the table, breathable air, loving and being loved. Today may not be perfect, and I may forget some of its gifts. Still…

I thank thee, O Lord, for all good things thou hast sent to me during the past day. 

[nighttime prayer, A Manual of Eastern Orthodox Prayers, Crestwood, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1991, p. 16. This is part of an ongoing series. For the full prayer, click Prayer At Night above.]

3 thoughts on “This past day

  1. Robin Nielsen

    I love the poetic nature of your writing Johnna. Your written words are very comforting to read.
    Being thankful or showing gratitude for the little things that occur throughout the day can be very healing for the mind body and spirit.
    Thank you Johnna. Peace and Love, Robin

    1. Johnna Post author

      Thanks, Robin! It’s a miracle to walk through the world, even in places I’ve seen a thousand times before. Peace, Johnna


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