Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Kyrie Eleison is the Greek form of this prayer for mercy. It’s often sung, which adds weight to the request. It’s a three-fer, guaranteeing that it can’t be skipped over as easily as a single plea might.
Have mercy, dear God, for my inability to love you, myself, or anyone else as well as I could or should. Think kindly of me when I don’t offer kind thoughts to others. Help me in my weakness and in the limits my humanity brings.
Have mercy as I pray. Have mercy when I cannot or choose not to pray. Grant that I may have mercy on others because you have so freely and often granted yours to me.
My mantra/prayer during mediations of late: (Breathing in) I breath in your love O Lord , my God, (breathing out) That I may love you, others and myself.
I love that, Bill. It’s a wonderful way to center one’s whole person on God. Peace, Johnna