Readings: Psalm 42; Isaiah 29:17-24; Acts 5:12-16
In the years 750-689 BCE, Judah was in a series of political crises. The Middle East was in turmoil. There were wars between countries and cities, one after another. Into this chaos came the prophet Isaiah, a man of God, who answered a call from the LORD, a god of justice and righteousness.
The situation in Jerusalem was one of waywardness on the part of its leaders, who seemingly looked at things as mainly to their benefit. Their oppression of the poor and needy caused the Lord to turn against the corrupt elite. He gave the news to Isaiah to warn the people of Judah that difficult days were coming. However, God also left room for a remnant to take hold in the future.
On that day, the deaf shall hear the words of a scroll,
and out of the gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see.
The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the Lord,
and the neediest shall exalt in the Holy One of Israel.
For the tyrant shall be no more, and the scoffer shall cease to be;
all those alert to do evil shall be cut off_________
Isaiah 29: 18-20
Just as Isaiah waited for the Day of the Lord, we too wait to see the reversal of the fates of the suffering. Over and over this event seems to occur, as leaders forget their role as the clay not the potter, the made not the maker. The warning continued through the many prophets in the Old Testament as they looked forward to the waiting of the Messiah. They ask God, “How long will it be until before you bring justice to earth?” We know that God remains with those who suffer. And in many ways we still see the reversal of realities in our 21st century as we observe the many oppressed and needy in our times.
As we look forward to Advent and the celebration of the birth of Christ, we give thanks for His present time with us. Come, Lord Jesus.
Offered by Marge O’Brien, hearer of the Word, seeker of the Child.
Thank you, Marge. I think it’s easy and common to see the potter/clay mistake. Thank you for your words.peace, Johnna
Thank you for the historical context–it brings the message to life for me. There is a young-ish monk in Philadelphia who was interviewed on a podcast and said that he wanted to ask God why there was so much poverty and suffering in the world but could not because he was sure God would ask him the same question. We miss you and Jim who showed us in so many ways how to be the change we wish to see in this world.
Blessings to you both this Advent!