Into the Waters

Readings: Psalm 42; Ezekiel 47:1-12; Jude 1:17-25

Then he brought me back to the entrance of the temple; there, water was flowing from below the threshold of the temple toward the east…

Reflecting on the passage from Ezekiel brought me back to the time when I lived near a beach adjacent to a river.  During certain tides the river would spill into the sea.  This created a swift current close to the beach shore.  I sometimes observed bathers body surfing with the current, having fun that I was too fearful to attempt.   One day I was with a friend who encouraged me to try the surfing with her.  “Don’t be afraid,” she said, “the water isn’t too deep.”  So we did it and I experienced childlike joy and abandon as I left control behind and watched the sky and the shore go whizzing by.  Freedom and deep peace for those few seconds.

Very often I return to that experience in my prayer.  I needed a companion to lead me into that living water just as my parents led me into the living waters of Baptism.  Today I need to let go into the deep waters of my life and let the Spirit carry me to a life giving, fruitful place.  God is the River and if I surrender to God’s plans, I trust I will find freedom, peace, and joy, with a little help from my friends!

Come, Lord Jesus!

Offered by Ann Fowler, spiritual director, seeker of the Christ Child.

2 thoughts on “Into the Waters

  1. Bill

    great thought–reminds me of the Andre Gide quote: “(We) cannot discover new oceans unless (we have) the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Thank you, Ann, for this message of trust and surrender.

  2. Johnna Post author

    What a wonderful image. I grew up on the seacoast and this resonates so clearly with my own childhood. Thank you, Ann. peace, Johnna


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