The Break

Readings: Psalm 124; Genesis 9:1-17; Hebrews 11:32-40

The Break


If it had not been the Lord who was on our side – let Israel now say-

If it had not been for the Lord who was on our side,

when our enemies attacked us,

then they would have swallowed us up alive,

when their anger was kindled against us;

then the flood would have swept us away,

the torrent would have gone over us;

then over us would have gone the raging waters.

Blessed be the Lord,

who has not given us

as prey to their teeth.

We have escaped like a bird 

from the snare of the fowlers;

the snare is broken,

and we have escaped.

 Our help is in the name of the Lord,

who made heaven and earth.

Come, Lord Jesus, Come

Offered by Riley Anderson, artist, college learner, seeker of the Christ Child.

2 thoughts on “The Break

  1. Johnna Post author

    I can feel the fear in the capture, and the hope in the break of the net. Thank you for the powerful image. peace, Johnna


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