Today has been a day of getting things done. I spent time in my library’s learning garden, dividing perennials for families attending story time. After that, I was on to prepping and painting the bathroom ceiling and closet. Both of these activities have been a lot of work, and will require many additional hours of work to complete. But there’s something immensely satisfying about seeing the changes that my work brings – changes that will last well beyond this season. The garden is much improved for the weeding, pruning, and dividing; the new paint on the walls and ceiling refresh the whole room. Such tangible results for a day’s work!
But there are changes that will come from today’s efforts that are well beyond what I will see. The perennials I dug up today will grace many yards in this town and beyond – who knows how many times they will be divided in the coming years, growing out of a few plants hundreds more. The new bathroom paint is likely to last for years, providing a clean and bright space for family and guests.
Perhaps that’s why Proverbs was included in our holy scripture: to remind us that our daily actions and choices affect the world around us in ways that just may go beyond our own little communities and life spans. It’s not the only message that helps me honor God, self,and neighbor, but it certainly reminds me to do improve what I can through work and action as well as through thought and contemplation…
I can remember attending a conference at which the speaker raised his arms far above his head and then brought these stretched-out arms in front of him toward the audience while saying “You can only reach up as far as you reach out”. I have to share my little poem:
“Ode to that Pesky Epistle”
Oh James, James–why?
Why live out our faith?
Martin’s bane;
Dietrich’s gain–
no cheap grace here–
Eliza singing “If you’re in love, show me”
and if , as the Son declared, we’re
to know them by their fruits,
My dear,
How can we not?
Love this, Bill! Thanks for sharing your verse. Peace, Johnna