Indolence: the state of showing no real interest or effort. (Cambridge English Dictionary)
It’s more than mere laziness, it’s inattention and inaction due to lack of interest. It’s having zero motivation to do anything new because nothing seems worth the effort. Why expend any energy if I don’t give a damn about what I see around me?
How can anyone get to the point where nothing is worth the effort, when nothing sparks even the tiniest bit of interest? Once at that point, how can anyone find a way out of such a dreary, soul deadening place?
I see one way out every Tuesday morning: Story Time. Babies, toddlers, and their adults gather to sing a few songs and enjoy a couple of short stories. Simple words, simple tunes, and a place to enjoy them. Eyes light up, smiles and laughter dance among the gathered; the tots play and explore, but it’s their adults whose spirits are renewed.
Make no mistake: indolence crushes the soul. It’s a disease of the spirit that sucks the joy out of life and turns the world gray. Fortunately, all it takes is the eyes of a child to cure it.
…and a little child will lead them (Isaiah 11:6b)
Enlighten the eyes of our understanding, and raise up our minds from the heavy sleep of indolence. St. Basil’s Prayer [click St. Basil’s Prayer: Lent 2024 for full prayer]
I totally agree with you Johnna ~”All it takes is the eyes of a child…”
Yesterday subbing in the Strive program at Indian Brook Elementary School and being with beautiful and amazing “striving” students in the program, formerly the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) {so glad the name was changed}, i was able to be present with the bright and shining eyes of each of these children.
Although pretty exhausted from the day, being with them all, despite some challenging moments, made my day all the more worthwhile.
Thanks, Robin! What a wonderful experience for you and the young ones you are helping. Peace, Johnna
Indolence is almost unheard of in children—and their energy and drive is infectious—it’s so huge that it just wears adults out!
So true, David! I love story time with the babies and toddlers, but it takes a lot of energy!