Humble Access

Some love it, some have a problem with the language. You might hear it at an eight o’clock service, but rarely at a ten or eleven o’clock Rite Two. After many years of hearing thoughts divided between appreciation and discomfort, I thought I’d take a closer look. I hope you join in!

Prayer of Humble Access

We do not presume to come this thy Table, O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy Table. But thou art the same Lord whose property is always to have mercy.Grant us therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink his blood, that we may evermore dwell in him, and he in us. Amen.

[Rite One Eucharistic Service, Book of Common Prayer]

2 thoughts on “Humble Access

  1. Robin Nielsen

    Thank you Johnna; i love this prayer when attending the 8:00 service in the Mary Chapel.
    I would not change a word, those special words like “thy” and “thee”. It is an opportunity and maybe even a privilege to say those oldish words that we don’t usually say or pray.
    I know there is a lovely parishioner who has passed on who attended the 8:00 service because of the old traditional language of prayer that meant a lot to her; and being able to open the Book of Common Prayer to that page with this wonderful prayer, means a lot to me as well. Happy New Year blessings, Peace, Robin


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