Rise and Shine! Wash your face, brush your hair and teeth. Get dressed. Make your bed. Have some breakfast. Put your coat on.
I love you! See you after school (work)!
Let me know you are here when I call your name. Open your books. Take one and pass the rest on. Check your answers. Use your inside voices. Time for recess! Lunchtime!
Gather your things. Write down your homework assignments. Any questions? That’s the bell. Good-bye!
Come on in; tell me about your day. What did you learn? Are you hungry? Go out and get some fresh air. Homework time.
Time for dinner. Anything new and exciting happen today? Did you get enough? Time to do the dishes.
Bath time! What book would you like to read tonight? Jump in bed. Say your prayers. I love you! Sleep well, see you in the morning.
I heard these words, or something like them, most weekdays when I was growing up; I’ve spoken these words, or something like them, most weekdays as my children grew up. I thought I’d take a look at them. I hope you join me – and tell me some of the things you heard and said every school day…