Risen Lord, be known to us in the breaking of the Bread.
(Eucharistic Prayer C, Book of Common Prayer)
I know Bread is communion bread, with all the meaning it holds, but this grace works for any bread on any table: rye, pumpernickel, sandwich white, and honey whole wheat are all Bread. The bread’s not really the point; anything that sustains body and soul will do.
These twelve words are an extraordinary request when I pray them. I’m asking God for the miracle of recognizing eternal love in the simple act of sharing my meal and my life. All I have to do is ask – and be willing to live with the holiness of your life, my life, and everybody else’s life.
“be willing to live with the holiness…” to honor it and be aware of it–I guess that is what prayer and meditation and worship is really about. Thank you for reminding me of this, Johnna. We need not conjure it up–it is all around us–we needs must recognize and live within its real presence. What a great message for today and every day.
Thanks, Bill! The older I get, the more I realize I’m surrounded by holiness – I just have to stand still long enough to see it. Peace, Johnna