We thank you, Christ our God, for you have satisfied us with earthly gifts. Do not deprive us of your heavenly kingdom, but as you, O Savior, came among your disciples and gave them peace, come among us also and save us.
(Thanksgiving after lunch, Daily Prayers for Orthodox Christians: Brookline, Massachusetts, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2010, p. 14)
I don’t say grace after a meal. I thank whoever made, bought, brought, or served my meal, and I am grateful for all the work that went into it. For whatever reason, I haven’t thought to give a prayer of thanks to the one who gives life and light. Is it because I’m no longer hungry or thirsty? Reading this grace makes me think I’ve been settling for physical contentment rather than seeing a meal for what it is: peace of body and spirit that may be offered by human hands, but is always an earthly gift from God.